OMG it's been weeks since my last post and I was supposed to explain what my plan was for 2011. Well I've been MIA because I had a plan, but it fell apart within days. Then I had another plan and I've been working on it since but I've already faltered and fallen off-course.
I'm having a really tough time getting my motivation back and I know it's just a matter of doing what's right but food has been winning out more times than I can count! I'm lucky I haven't gained weight over the holidays but the pathetic news is I haven't lost anything either. It's been half a year since I had my big gain over the summer and I haven't done crap to change anything.
Over holidays, I was on an awesome role...
got my workouts in as planned
watched what I ate
counted the calories
even tried to get in more sleep
... all for nothing since it didn't result in any weight-loss.
I have so many things running through my head right now... goals I want to reach, things I want to accomplish and so many MANY things not even related to health/fitness.
Right now I feel like I need to start my weight-loss journey from the very beginning, like I've never done this before, and take it day by day, one step at a time. After comments from different people about my weight gain, it's really time to focus again. Plus, can anyone say class reunion?!?!?! Yup, that's coming up this summer so I need to get this done.
I'm not making any promises as far as blogging goes because I've noticed that just turns my blog into a chore rather than something I really enjoy doing. I do promise to blog when I have a chance and when I feel like I have something worth talking about... until then, I'd rather not fill this space with complaints, wishes of pounds dropped, or rants about the regrets I had for eating that last bite of ice cream, or chips, or cake or what ever! So once again, to make things official, here is my current weight:
Yup, that sucks! But putting it out there can only make me do something about it, right?!