Aww... I always get so thrilled when I get a message that someone has awarded my blog an award (and yes I know these could easily be made up by anyone, but it's still such an honor). MackAttack over at Fat Buster gave me the Gorgeous Blogger Award. Not sure if it means I'm gorgeous or my blog is but I'd like to think both! :o)
So to make it official, I need to 1.) recognize and link back to the person who sent it - MackAttack, 2.) share six interesting things about myself, 3.) award seven other bloggers with the Gorgeous Blogger Award and 4.) let them know about it. I know I didn't send out the last award I got, but stopping the honor when it gets to me is so wrong, so here goes:
6 Not-too-sure-if-these-are-interesting-things About Me
- I can speak Hawaiian - Not just 'Aloha' and 'Mahalo', but actually speak it and hold a conversation. It's a beautiful language.
- I have five tattoos and I WANT MORE!! - They myth that when you get your first one you become addicted is SO true! Right now the ones I have are small but when I reach my goal weight I have a nice big (tasteful) one planned out - gonna start at my right hip, work it's way up the middle of my back, and end over my left shoulder! Mom - if you're reading this, don't tell dad!
- My great-uncle helped create Strawberry Shortcake - He helped design her look for Mattel; from her red hair to her strawberry hat. It's one of our family's favorite history facts.
- I was born and have lived in Hawaii my entire life, but I have never gotten on a surfboard - I've boogie-boarded and body-surfed a ton but never caught a wave on a surfboard. It's so weird that I haven't... I need to seriously add this to my 'to-do list' for 2010 or something.
- I used to run my own website that sold little clay guinea pig sculptures - I called them Piggie Pies. I used to have four guinea pigs and one day I decided to make little one-inch replicas of them. They turned out to be a big hit (especially with people in England!) and I couldn't keep up with orders. I eventually got bored with it though and closed it down.
- I have a slight obsession with hair products! - I buy a ton of them... use a ton of them... love a ton of them... hate a ton of them... and review a ton of them on Amazon (I'm dorky like that). My favorite to date: Fekkai and LUSH products!
7 Awarded Bloggers
**This is among MANY that I like... it's just hard to pick only seven**
**This is among MANY that I like... it's just hard to pick only seven**
- Josh at A Personal Journey of Fitness and Fat Loss
- Sheila at One Pretty Little Box
- Jen at Our P90X Journey
- Chris at Chris' Challenge
- Annalisa at Diary of a Yo-yo Dieter
- Lisa at In Weigh Over My Head
- Betsy at Witness This Fitness
What can I say? THANK YOU DARLIN! So much. You made my day :)
Also - LOVE the tattoo blurp - I onl y have one, like 7 years ago, and I can't WAIT to get another one! Just can't decide what of, but I have two potential sites: left back shoulder blade or left breast... small boobs, so probably on my back :) Totally laughed at the "mom,don't tell dad" comment - so funny!!!
Strawberry Shortcake: Oh my gosh! I LOVE Strawberry Shortcake. My kitty cat... MY cat, not just the families cat, was called (by me) Pitter Pat, no one knows why but you may know it was Her (S.S.) cat! That was my cat's name. Maybe you could enlighten me on where Pitter Pat came from :) That would be the coolest :)
Have fun surfing, I am so jealous of surfer girls! I'd love to learn... when!? Yeah right. But comon, I do live 40 min from "Surfer's Paradise"!
You Rock Annie :)
Thanks for the award! I too will assume because both my blog and I are gorgeous! ;)
Hey Annie!
Okay...I loved ALL 7 of your facts--didn't know any of them! (I didn't even realize you live in Hawaii!)
Thank you so much for choosing my blog for your award! You're such a sweetie!
As for tattoo's go...on my 30th birthday (last year) I had my brother(who is an AMAZING artist) design me this gorgeous tattoo. Both of my children's names are in it...though I'd have to point them out for you to ever see them. It also has my favorite scripture referance from the bible wrapped into it, but again...totally hidden. To the natural eye, all you see is this incredible butterfly. Anyway....long story short, I chickened out. I didn't get it. A huge reason is because I could think of ANYWHERE to put it. I have stretchmarks on all the cool tattoo places (hips, belly, lower back) and I didn't want it somewhere where I can't hide it with clothes if needed. Ugh. Anyway...after reading that you have 7 and want more...it makes me start to reconsider...
Love ya girlie. Thanks for the fun post!
Ps. Can we see a picture of any of these 7 tattoos you have?
Hey Thanks!! Your a gem! LOVED learning more about you through your VERY interesting facts!
It's both! That's awesome that your uncle helped make strawberry shortcake. I love learning these things!
Congrats on the award!!
Check your spam folder, make sure my lengthy reply didn't end up there, hee.
Where's my award?
I really thought I had a chance. Maybe next time.
awwww - thanks so much! It was VERY cool to learn things about you.
Girl and the flowers all are looking gorgeous.
P90x Review
i appreciate your gratitude towards all those who award your blog, even i would feel the same if i were in your position
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