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Sunday, May 3, 2009

P90X Day 16, 17, and 18/90: diet: Y

Been busy but still pushing play!

Last week Friday was plyo. I set my alarm an hour and a half early so I could do plyo in the morning but that was a bad idea. I got started feeling good, but about 20 minutes into plyo, I was getting really light-headed and nausea. I had no energy and at the 40 minute mark, I had to turn it off and lay down for a little bit. I don't know why I got like this... whether it was the lack of food before my intense workout or if it could have been something else. I've been having a really hard time getting a good night's sleep so I'm sure it was a combination of both. Anyway, went home and pushed play again and did plyo on Friday night.

Saturday was Shoulders and Arms... my fave! I've been switching out the ARX with Extreme Abs from CLX just to mix it up a bit and I really like it because I can really feel a difference in what areas are being worked. With ARX, I've been having some lower back issues on a lot of the moves so CLX is a good substitute to give my back a rest.

Today was Yoga X/Kenpo however I did a nice long, two hour walk with my dog instead. It's still really early so I'll try to get in some Yoga but we'll see. Will be back later if I get it in.


Maxine said...

Hey good job with relaxing when you are not feeling well. My cycling coach always tells me: push hard when you feel good but relax when you don't!

Heather said...

I had to take a 3 day break at the beginning because of back problems. So glad I did and I felt much better afterwards, and I've been better since.