Operation Fat Blaster, or OFB for short. The group is very supportive and basically they are your cheerleaders for a healthier YOU. Every week OFB creater,
Michelle, issues 'missions' for the members to complete with the potential to win some cool prizes.
Check it out below!
Operation Fat Blaster
Special Ops Missions #5: Bring on the Burn
"Here is your mission, should you choose to accept it ...
This week, you are to avoid using elevators and escalators and to take the stairs. All. Week. Long."
MISSION COMPLETED: And I felt the burn! At work I always take the stairs (work on the 4th floor so not too bad) so this was the easy part for me. But taking the stairs at my apartment... now that was a little harder. I live on the 7th floor of my building and although that's not many more flights of stairs than at work, it makes a difference when you have to carry bags of groceries, gym bags, or even going up and down them several times a day to walk the dog (who am I kidding - I made the BF do it)!
There were some days that I did take the elevator at home, but I was sure to make up for it by adding in an extra 30 minutes of exercise on top of my daily session. Working it out!!
Overall I loved this challenge and hope some of the stair-taking behavior will stick with me!
1 comment:
Woo Hoo! Good for you!
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